jueves, septiembre 19, 2024

Pouring rain

 Chasing you tonight under this pouring rain

Running after you, no sense to see

I wonder why do I chase you over and over again

You are everywhere but not here with me.

Shoot me to death, I will take the blame

Loving you this long, what a shame

jueves, julio 11, 2024

Over you

In my dreams I see you still

I just can´t forget you

and I miss you everyday.

I know that you don't love

I wonder if you ever did

all those things you said to me

How fucking hard is to be without you

No prays relief my heart

I wonder if I'll ever be over you

viernes, febrero 10, 2023

Sleepless lovers


Sleepless lovers, walking around in the night

Lost in your eyes, since I made you mine.

I'd die to hold you in my arms one last time.

Once again, you told me goodbye

The only thing I wanted is to be at your side.

So much love between us, what went wrong?

Some days you couldn't be apart from me

some days you couldn't even hear my name.

Sleepless lovers passing by my window.

Words and memories remain

Once I loved you so much

And you got tired of me

Changes in your mind made us apart.

I am not broken any longer

I am aware about what you are.

miércoles, enero 18, 2023

En silencio

En silencio te veo y me convenzo

De que eras lo que yo esperaban en esta vida.

En silencio te pienso y no lo entiendo,

Te dí todo y a cambio recibí dolor.

En silencio te amé por muchos años

Esperando a que abrieras los ojos.

En silencio me arrepiento

Conocerte no fue lo que esperé.

En silencio de tí me compadezco

Dueña eres de tu propio desprecio.

En silencio a la vida imploro

Poder de mi mente y corazón desterrarte.

viernes, agosto 16, 2019


I´m standing in the ashes of who I used to love.
Not that it matters, as you always said,
I believed in spite your love was never shown,
Tears as words that my heart cannot explain.
Affection will always be greater than perfection,
Hard for you were my intentions to understand,
For not loving me, you always found any objection
Hidden in your fears, about other people´s mind.

I´m standing in the rubble of what we were supposed to have,
It hurts to have you in my heart as an everything,
I´m sure all my love demonstrations only made you laugh,
Please stay away if your true feelings you won´t unstring.
It was always a game for you, to make me fall in love with you,
Was it ever being with me part of your plan?
Finally I could see beneath your mask, my fears were all true.

I´m standing in the shattered hopes that I had for us
Everything at the end was a lie and a waste of time.
Time to let my rage to go away and to say bye to you.
When my absence doesn´t alter your life,
then my presence has no meaning in it.
So fuck it.

domingo, julio 21, 2019

Love remains

That monday you broke my heart, 
Nothing I could say to change your mind;
Refusing to give me a chance,
You opened the door and walked away.

You love me still,  that I have seen,
Too scared to face it you always were;
Too fragile to see my love collide.
Afraid of being loved you've always been.

And all the guys you kiss
Can never ease the pain.
Still my love in you remain,
The face is changed
But your love for me is the same.

And all the guys you spend your time with,
Can never take my memories away.
Still your heart belongs to me,
Kisses have changed
But your lips crave to find mine again.

Love remains.

viernes, mayo 24, 2019

De la nada

De la nada apareciste y mi ser acaparaste;
siento el frío diario de tu indiferencia,
tantos sentimientos que debo ocultarte.
Por qué tan fácil podrías derrumbarme?
con tu voz, con un beso?
Por qué tan simple de tí enamorarme?
de tu piel, de tu sonrisa?
Hoy despierto y no sé quién soy,
tan cerca y tan lejos de tí;
camino sin saber a dónde voy,
sin luz bajo un cielo carmesí.
En mi mente historias que tú protagonizas,
en mi corazón invierno de tu ausencia,
en mi piel caricias rotas y quebradizas.
Desesperado por una señal de ser correspondido,
muero porque a mis brazos tú te avientes;
dime por favor si debo darme ya por vencido
o si tu por mí lo mismo sientes.
De la nada en mi camino te cruzaste
y yo ya sin tí no quiero vivir.